So yesterday while I was running on the treadmill, while watching my boys at Swim practice and catching up on reading my magazines I get in the mail, I "ran" across this little blurb and laughed because THIS was written for me! Just thought I would share these quotes that Woman's Health magazine undeniably wrote to make me feel better about my crazy life:
"I don't think that work ever really destroyed anybody. I think that the lack of work destroys them a hell of a lot more." ~ Katharine Hepburn, actress
"Stress is an ignorant state. It believes everything is an emergency." ~Natalie Goldber,writer
"I am convinced that there are times in everybody's experience when there is so much to be done, that the only way to do it is to sit down and do nothing."~ Fanny Fern, writer
"Over the years our bodies become walking autobiographies, telling friends and strangers alike of the minor and major stresses." ~Marilyn Ferguson, poet
"The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat." ~Lily Tomlin, comedian