This is the week in our household known as HELL WEEK! Not only do our lives operate in the normal chaotic fashion of 4 AM to 9 PM...getting to work, getting to school, watching the Meyring kiddos, getting the errands upon errands done that keep my life spinning in a myriad of directions... THIS is the week that everything piles onto us...
the boys generally have 4H Livestock Club meeting Sunday; *Monday Reb has Fair Board, *Tuesday I have Ladies Bowling League + School Board and the boys have 4H Council... I think the boys have swimming after school as well; *Wednesday night is Couples Bowling League; *Thursday is out of town day and this week it is to take the Steer to Market (Oh and the boys are swimming again that day after school) *Friday Reb has surgery on his hand!
Could we squeeze another task into the mix?? Sure... our family has volunteered to do the concessions for the 4H Exchange group at the Friday and Saturday Football games! AND Just when we thought we were done and were going to have a bit of a break, Sunday we attend a Club Calf Sale in Laramie and the Livestock chore chaos will be put into drive for another season!
Somehow we manage to still eat supper together in the midst of this chaos and go to bed feeling thankful that we live a life that empowers us to do these things regardless the physical or mental cost! It sounds nuts, but I don't think I would have it any other way at this point! I think "Someday" I'll get caught up on the sleep... when I am 6 feet under and pushing daisies!!