I just returned from a 4 day Hiatis in Denver where I worked at the Scrap It Expo. This is "my thing"... I love photography & scrapbooking but I think this weekend it finally hit me WHY I love it so much! These hobbies...interests...past times...passions us women seek out and put so much energy into EMPOWER us. Not so much because of the getting memories down on paper and having that chapter recorded in history! I met women of all ages, races and backgrounds and to see the excitment in thier voices over something as simple as paper was amazing. These ladies have taken their otherwise mundane daily lives and recorded them in history... empowering themselves. Feeling proud and elated for the simplistic joy that surrounds them. I myself felt so energized from the whole experience! I had the honor to work with 3 of the most amazing women I have ever known. To watch these ladies share a passion and empower others to believe in themselves (even if it is something as simple as scrapping a memory)!! This was an experience that reminds me of WHY I do this and WHY I love to share it. It is the simple everyday things in my life that empower me to do more and be more!! There are so many women out there that give me the strength I need and empower me... now I can see where I fit into the scheme of all this and WHY! To empower other women in turn empowers myself!!